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About Us

The Full Story

TechTobe101 is primarily a research initiative to understand how ADHD affects women in sedentary workplaces, specifically within the Cyber Security sector. Our goal is to develop a research-backed method that can effectively manage ADHD without medication. We aim to manage ADHD in a holistic and strategic way. We unwaveringly believe that women with ADHD are valuable resources in any workplace, especially sedentary ones. They are powerhouses when it comes to strategic planning and problem-solving, skills that are necessary in a cybersecurity environment. We desire to join others' efforts to increase inclusivity in the workplace. This is our way of doing it. Women with ADHD often change jobs regularly, and we want to give them the opportunity to experience longevity in a workplace.​

We help women with ADHD in sedentary workplaces manage their condition holistically by providing research-backed methods and practical support. This enables them to enhance their productivity and efficiency without relying on medication or facing additional pressure.

UN Sustainability Goals

TechTobe101 aligns with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 4: Quality Education. We are committed to ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all. Our focus on technology education helps bridge the digital divide, empowering individuals to thrive in a digital world.

Research Methods

We study and use peer-reviewed papers on ADHD to understand it holistically. This rigorous approach ensures our methods and recommendations are grounded in the latest scientific research.



  1. ​Conduct and publish more research papers to bring clarity and fill gaps in the current understanding of ADHD in sedentary workplaces.

  2. Develop comprehensive support systems for women with ADHD in the cybersecurity field.

  3. Train 50 workplaces on effective ADHD management strategies.

  4. Reach and support 100 women with ADHD, helping them increase their workplace efficiency and productivity.

How Can You Support Our Initiative?

Here are nine impactful ways to support our mission. Thank you for partnering with us!​


  1. Spread the word about our mission and initiatives.

  2. Attend our workshops to gain practical insights and knowledge.

  3. Nominate us for relevant initiatives or awards to recognize our efforts.

  4. Participate in our webinars for detailed discussions and learning.

  5. Engage with our social media channels to stay updated and connected.

  6. Provide feedback on our research, webinars, and workshops to help us improve.

  7. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for video content and tutorials.

  8. Follow our blog/newsletter for regular updates and articles.

  9. Partner with us for outreach efforts to expand our impact.


Together, we can make a significant impact in supporting women with ADHD in the tech industry.

Our Journey

We started as a DEV Blog in April 2024, offering tutorials that unravel the complexities of DevOps, cybersecurity, coding, and mathematics. Our blog featured insightful articles and detailed walkthroughs, helping our community navigate the vast landscape of computer science. Our journey started with a 13-part series on managing ADHD in tech, followed by several other series:


  • Mastering the Fundamentals of OOP (2-Part Series)

  • Mastering OOP Concepts: Inheritance and Polymorphism (3-Part Series)

  • An Introduction to Conditional Execution & Iteration in Computer Science (5-Part Series)

  • A Beginner's Guide to the Newton-Raphson Method and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) (3-Part Series)

  • Python for DevOps Professionals (6-Part Series)

  • Building Secure and Scalable Web Applications (2-Part Series)

  • Mastering AWS: Building Three-Tier Infrastructure (6-Part Series)

  • Empowering ADHD Learners: A Comprehensive Guide to Success (13-Part Series)


Refocusing Our Mission: After our annual, month-long sabbatical in July 2024, we decided to refocus on our original mission of helping women in tech with ADHD. We moved beyond how-tos and personal experiences to conduct research aimed at understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by women with ADHD in sedentary workplaces. Our goal is to fill the gaps in research and provide practical, holistic support.

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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About Our Founder

My name is Precious Emeruem

By profession, I am an Educational Cybersecurity Trainer.


I am a certified IT and cybersecurity professional with combined experience in DevOps and Cloud Engineering, academic support, technical consulting, and client service. I hold diplomas in Cyber Security, DevOps, and Cloud Engineering, along with industry-recognized certifications, including the International Computer Driving License (ICDL). 


Throughout my career, I have consistently fostered collaborative environments, helping students achieve their cybersecurity goals through empathetic guidance and effective communication during training sessions.


I founded TechTobe101 to support women and individuals with ADHD in navigating the cybersecurity field. My mission is to enhance their productivity and empower them to show up as their best selves.

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